Scientific benefits of sanna Makki (Senna
1. Removes constipation.
2. Increases movement of intestines (peristalsis)
3. Useful in piles due to laxative.
4. Its paste can be applied on wounds & ulcers.
5. It is anti helmentic (anti worms)
6. Reduces obesity.
7. Useful in hypertension n & increased in intra cranial
pressure (brain pressure)
8. Increases appetite.
9. Helpful in dysentery, hepatomegaly, spleenomegaly, malaria,
jaundice, gouts, rheumatism, anaemia & etc.
10. But use in mild dose.
11. Can be used in all season.
Contraindications: Do not use in Pregnancy, menstrual cycle,
small children, colon cancer & etc.